Connect and Earn - User Guide

The Full user guide can be downloaded here.

Please ensure you have read the Terms and Conditions for using Connect and Earn. It is assumed all Connect & Earn affiliates have read these.

User Guide Summary

1. What is Connect and Earn?

Connect & Earn is Connecting Art’s Affiliate Program which offers anybody who signs up and generates sales a slice of the revenue of between 5% and 60%.

For more details – especially what you can earn – go to the Connect & Earn Home Page.

2. How do you use Connect and Earn?
  1. Social Media: In all your social media posts use your Connect & Earn ID or Referral URL (see section 3), for example linked to images.
  2. Your Website: Use your Connect & Earn ID or Referral URL as the link a user can click on to find out more about you/an artwork etc
    If you are an artist and will process your website sales through Connecting Art, you can earn even more – see the Connect & Earn Home Page.
  3. Custom Coupons and Campaigns: We can work with you to create Banner coupons or Campaigns that can help your promotions. Note if you are not an Artist, the Artist(s) that are affected by the Coupons have to be agreeable to this. 

3. Getting Started
  1. From the Connecting Art website Menu Click on:
    Connect and Earn->My Connect and Earn
  2. If you are logged in and already registered as an affiliate, you will see your affiliate dashboard.
    If not you need to register. From the Connecting Art website Menu Click on:
    Connect and Earn->Affiliate Registration form
    Fill out the form and wait to be approved (upto 3 days)

  3. Your Profile setup – defining your Connect & Earn ID
    By default your Connect & Earn ID will be /ca/”your user id”/, for example /ca/123/.
    You can change “your user id” to be whatever you want, such as your name, for example /ca/my name/.
    Note that /ca/ always needs to be partof the ID or else your link will fail.
  4. Your Referral URL Generator
    If you are an Artist you may want to drive people to your Connecting Art online Gallery.
    If so, copy the whole URL of your gallery after the bit and paste it into the Referral URL Generator part of your profile.
    You can then use
4. Getting Paid
  1. Fill out your Payment details in My Connect and Earn
  2. Payment methods are currently only Bank Transfer or Twint (Switzerland only). It is hoped that we can introduce other payment methods in the future.
    If you want to request a specific payment method, email us at
  3. Commissions are paid to you at the end of the month.
    Since we offer the buyer a 14 day refund option, only sales that are at least 14 days old will be paid in the current month.
    Those that are newer than 14 days will be paid in the next month.
5. Issues or Questions?
Please contact