Francesco Lietti
Francesco has been living in Hong Kong since early 2006 and his love of this vibrant, eclectic city is immediately apparent in his works, which derives from the mnemonic imagery of the artist, who lives in symbiosis with the themes of travel and discovery.
When first visiting Hong Kong in the summer of 2005, the painter experienced an overwhelming sensation: fascinated by the variety of colors, the rich smells, and the plethora of images he was drawn to return and stay. This exciting metropolis is something you cannot just put into a frame: something would spill out; something would be missing; one can catch the details, but he or she would never be able to capture the entire picture. The artist portrays this through simple and direct forms. He paints naïve visions that often have a humorous quality, describing the city in an almost caricatured magnificence. Through the use of striking colors the painter captures the essence of Hong Kong’s famous harbor skyline and makes it his own. His paintings hover between reality and fantasy. Using strong blocks of paint to represent the buildings, Lietti also includes smaller patches of textured color, which dance across the cityscape, giving it that dream-like, ephemeral quality. The artist works in acrylic and oils on canvas and also adds collage to give his paintings texture and depth. He then finishes his pieces with a thick, glossy resin, further enhancing the brightness of the colors.
Lietti also captures the colors and delights of other Asian destinations. The lush greens of Vietnam and Bali, the golden sunsets of Rajasthan, the deep blue seascapes of the Philippines, these are just some of the many places he has visited and experienced. The artist gives us rare glimpses, merging reality with a magical world.
Francesco Lietti was born in Lecco on the southern shore of Lake Como in Italy. He studied architecture in Milan and furthered his studies in Paris at the École des Beaux Arts, La Seine, and also at the Clerkenwell College of Printing in London. His works are featured in private collections worldwide. When not painting in his studio, Francesco is probably riding his motorbike on the Hong Kong hills trying to catch a new view or travelling across Asia in search of inspiration.
弗朗西斯科 ‧ 列蒂(Francesco Lietti)自 2006 年初以來一直居住在香港這個充滿活力 、兼收並蓄的城市,並在作品中淋漓盡致地表現出他對這個城市的熱愛。列蒂的作品 取材於藝術家自己的記憶意象,以旅行和探索為主題。
2005 年夏天,列蒂第一次來到香港,難以形容的感受迎面而來:各種各樣的顏色、濃 郁的氣味和大量的圖像,吸引他流連忘返。人們不能簡單地把這個令人興奮的大都市 就這樣放進相框中,因為有些東西會漫溢出來,有些東西卻被遺漏,人們可以捕捉到 細節,但他或她永遠無法捕捉到整個畫面。藝術家通過簡單而直接的形式來描繪這一 點,他以具有幽默感的童真視角來塗抹,用幾近諷刺的華麗筆觸來描畫這座城市;畫 家運用鮮明的色彩,捕捉香港著名海港天際線的精髓,並使之成為自己的特色。列蒂 的畫徘徊於現實與幻想之間,大塊的顏料代表建築,細小的紋理色塊在城市景觀中舞 蹈,給畫面以夢幻的、稍縱即逝的感覺。列蒂用丙和油彩在帆布上繪畫,並添加拼 貼元素,賦之質感和深度,然後抹上黏稠而有光澤的樹脂,進一步提高顏色的亮度。
在列蒂的畫作中,他還捕捉到亞洲其他地方的色彩和樂趣,越南和峇里島鬱鬱蔥蔥的 綠色、拉賈斯坦邦金色的夕陽、菲律賓深藍色的海景,而這些只是他去過和經歷過的 許多地方的一部分。藝術家將現實與魔幻世界融為一體,帶領我們感受這驚鴻一瞥。
Commission an Artwork from Francesco
Have you got an idea or photograph that you’d like as an artwork ?
Francesco would be happy to work with you to develop your own special unique piece of Art.
Interested? Contact us here by filling out this form