
About Connecting Art

Connecting Art is more than just another online Gallery. We support new and emerging artists, by providing a free platform that includes an online gallery, payments, social media, augmented reality…
It’s a simple way for artists to promote themselves and their art online and at events we organise or attend. For both the buyer and artist we provide a personalised service that ensures satisfaction every time.

Our History

In April 2020 the Swiss Government ran a Hackathon called #VersusVirus, aimed at finding solutions related to the Covid-19 crisis. The Connecting-Art team came out as winners of one of the major prizes.

We are staffed by volunteers whose mission it is to allow new and emerging artists to focus on their art, while we provide a  free platform for payments, social media, a gallery per artist, news and events, gift cards, augmented reality and lots more. If you would like to join us send us a mail at  team@connectingart.ch

How do what we do?

  • We use the power of social media and online search to create an audience cost effectively (SEO, SEM, Viral Marketing)
  • Our “gallery” is mainly online, therefore we can keep expenses low (no office, no physical space rent)
  • We use technology to generate attention in the art scene (3D Artworks in Augmented Reality)
  • We use our artist’s social media to promote the ConnectingArt platform (Audience Pooling)
  • Many of our processes are optimized for a digital world (payment, shipping process)

With increasing digital connectivity we are living in new times. It is now easier than ever to connect dots and create value. At Connecting Art, we believe that audiences are the currency of the future. And we aim to build an audience around great art, connecting artists, art-lovers and people who generally enjoy the value of creativity. Join the project and become part of this journey.

Social Media

We are on the following Social Media (click on the links to go there)

Twitter: Regular updates on art events, and occasional posts of artworks for sale
Instagram: Images of our artworks on the site, events news and updates from Artists.
Facebook Group: A place for artists and art lovers to connect, withe the latest news on artworks, artists and events

To become a Connecting Artist with your own online Gallery, please register here.

Contact us
If you have any questions about Connecting Art and how we can help you, send us a mail at team@connectingart.ch

Team Members

Martin, Business Manager
Geoff, Social Media, Marketing
Christoph, Technology Manager

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