An invitation to join ConnectingArt

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You are probably here because you have received an invitation to join ConnectingArt, either via Social Media because we’ve spotted your work and like what you do, or maybe we met you at a gallery, exhibition or vernissage.

We’d like to have you on board, and here is a summary of what we offer and what we expect.

Who we are:

Connecting Art was started with the primary purpose of allowing artists to focus on their artwork, while we provide a free technical online platform to promote and sell artworks globally, introducing art events over time too. 

Originally, we wanted this to be an Association, but legal restrictions meant we had to form a GmbH (Limited Liability Company) and we invested our own money to set this up. The original vision was to have a Community of Artists, where the Artist has input into running Connecting Art, helps to promote Connecting Art and, together with us, attracts Art lovers who become buyers of the Art.

The original concept still applies and our goal is to grow ConnectingArt for the benefit of each of our artists. We want to sell your artwork online, as well as at events.  We are convinced a community effort, where each artist does a little something each month,  will make significant steps towards this goal. 

What we offer:

    • Your own free online gallery for your art
    • The freedom to promote and sell you art on other platforms
    • Innovative ways to promote you, your Artworks and your Events. We use AI to generate videos, have a virtual reality viewing tool and are investigating ChatGPT and GPT-4 as ways to grow our audience
    • Getting your art out on social media to increase sales
    • An ecommerce solution to sell your art online
    • Membership of the Connecting Art Artist’s Club

What we expect:

Below are some ways you can contribute to grow our online community. Today social media is crucial to connecting with potential customers, other artists, and promoting your artwork – it’s also the simplest way you can help. We’d like you to  do one or more of these at least once per month:

  • Use your own social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram etc) to tell your network what we are doing at Connecting Art
  • Add at least one person from your network to the Connecting Art Facebook Group or our groups on LinkedIn or Instagram, or our mailing list.
  • Provide us with ideas or contacts that help grow Connecting Art
  • Do things to help us run Connecting Art (eg Chiara recently reviewed the Italian Translation of our site)
  • Be involved in a Connecting Art event, maybe displaying your artworks or helping us behind the scenes promote and organise the events (eg at the Art Lunch in June and an Art and Wine weekend in October)

What it costs:

ConnectingArt is free to join and remain a member. The only cost is a 25% commission fee when an artwork is sold through ConnectingArt – this goes towards running costs and promotion. That’s it.

Interested? Sign up here.