Art & Afternoon Tea Workshop
Tamara Krieger
21 February 2022
Amongst my art workshops this is the most popular one. In this course you will spend an afternoon in my atelier and you will get

KINGS & QUEENS – My Art Theme 2022
Tamara Krieger
9 February 2022
Today is Epiphany and I hope that you have already fished a king or a queen out of your Three King Cake. In Switzerland we

Happy New Year
Tamara Krieger
31 December 2021
The year is slowly coming to an end. And what a year it was! I was able to realize exciting projects, many of my works

Who is Robin Gunningham?
27 June 2021
Banksy is a pseudonymous England-based street artist, political activist, and film director whose real name and identity remain unconfirmed and the subject of speculation, although

A Review of my art in House & Garden
Tamara Krieger
15 June 2021
I recently had one of my artworks, “Snow White”, reviewed in House & Garden.